Global warming can turn monarch butterflies' favorite food into poison

With the rising temperatures in the climate their is a great risk for monarch butterflies. This species feeds primarily on the milkweed plant but with global warming in full swing it changes the milkweed plant thus making it dangerous for the butterflies to feed off them and to leave their eggs. If we don't change things we may see a great decrease in these beautiful creatures.



  1. Global warming is something that is a big issue in our country and if the human population doesn't try and make efforts to help it many animals will go endangered and other big issues will occur throughout the environment.

  2. It's sad to see that harmful issues caused by the human population (global warming in this case) are killing off other living species. If we don't change our ways, more and more species will continue to die off.

  3. I know that the general rule of thumb is that humans have to change our ways and we have to do something, which is true, but think about history. Sometime, an ecosystem can change and evolve because of a disaster that takes it down to the ground first.
    Sometimes, if a species cannot change with the weather/environment around them, they may not survive but it could be for a reason. after all, dinosaurs used to be around but now they aren't (yes I know it is for different reasons but they are similar). And since they have perished, humans have evolved. Maybe this is all a reason for evolution and change in the ecosystem.

  4. The sad thing is it is not just them, many other species are going through the same thing. We do need to do something about it but the problem is not enough people are taking interest in what is happening or they are only worried about their own life time.


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