Dining Out Associated with Increased Exposure to Harmful Chemicals (March Current Event)

A recent study has proven a correlation between higher total levels of phthalates and dining out more often. Phthalates are chemicals that are used in food processing and packaging materials. They cause birth defects, infertility, pregnancy complications, other reproductive disorders, and the interruption of hormones in the human body. Those who go out to eat and dine at restaurants and fast food places (especially) had 35% higher phthalate levels compared to those who eat home-cooked meals. Foods from fast food restaurants specifically created a 40% increase in phthalate levels in people. Teens, children, and expecting mothers are most susceptible to the effects of these chemicals. Remember this next time you're deciding whether or not to go out or stay in and cook!

Link to Article: Dining Out Associated with Increased Exposure to Harmful Chemicals


  1. This is scary to think about because there is a large amount of the population who eat out a lot because its easier than making a home cooked meal. Is anything being done about this chemical and its use in food processing?

  2. I agree with Kaitlyn, this is scary to think about. This information should be more widely known because there is a large amount of the population that frequently goes out to eat so this could be affecting a lot of people.


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