Darker Spot on Greenland's Ice


On Greenland's ice sheet there is a dark patch that scientists have concluded to be impurities within the ice like carbon and dark dwelling algae. The ice sheet makes up for 80 percent of Greenland's land mass and holds 8 percent of the world's fresh water. Scientists also predict the sea levels to rise 23 feet if it melts completely which would have a great impact on the environment and humans. The speeding up of the melting of the ice may be due to the darker patches absorbing more of the suns heat rather than the very bright patches. Hopefully, through environmental services the dark patches can somewhat recede.


  1. I think scientists should study the dark patches more on the ice and hopefully try and figure out a way to eliminate them so then the ice doesn't melt as fast.

  2. I agree, doing more research on something like this is important because it not only effects us as humans, but it effects other species and the environment as well.

  3. I found this very interesting. I also do believe that the studying of dark patches will help scientists make more conclusions about the dark patches as well as find out more information that will allow them to dive in deeper to find out more information on these dark ice patches.

  4. Its interesting but how do the scientists know that the dark spots are making the ice melt faster? They should do more research on what these dark spot are in general and how they affect the area and ice.


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