Rock Salt Could be Contaminating Your Water With Lead!

In ocean county, a river that provides water for over 85,000 people is having a large increase in salt in the water. And it is effecting more than just the water taste. The salt wears down the lead sauntering in the pipes which puts tiny lead particles in the water that you drink.

I think this is dangerous because this is exactly what happend in the city of Flint. Cities thinking that using salt is doing all good when in reality it may be causing people to get lead poisoning.


  1. It also ends up creating salinity conditions in the waterway that make the ecosystem uninhabitable for many of its native residents and further salinizes surrounding soil.

  2. I agree this is a a very bad problem, lead poisoning is not good, and along with the people its effecting it may also be effecting animals as well.


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