Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Trump has removed laws to protect birds and reduced regulations for waterway pollution to allow more opportunity to get oil and natural resources. Not only are federal laws being lessened but the state laws are encouraged to be changed to allow for more business and jobs in the United States.

I think that Trump should not be changing laws to protect wildlife, but I also understand why he is doing this so he can make more jobs and allow for the United States to use more of its own natural resources. I don't think this is a good idea, because the animals will definitely receive negative effects from this.


  1. I feel like we should be doing more to protect the environment and wildlife, which can create numerous jobs on its own. We shouldn't remove laws that protect wildlife when we haven't found better solutions to solve the problem, instead of piling on extra conflict. I, as well as many others, realize that the demand for jobs in prevalent; but we also need to realize that the current generations are lazy and don't want to take on manual labor jobs. So maybe, instead of giving them more jobs that might interest them, just encourage them to stop being entitled and lazy and work in areas that they may not enjoy that are already hiring.


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