Trump Removes Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands

The Trump administration has recently finalized taking away environmental protections on wetlands, streams and groundwater, by repealing President Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulation. This will benefit some farmers and fossil fuel producers. Since Trumps administration is getting rid of these regulations, it results in climate change occurring at an increasing rate and more mining and drilling taking place. This change will allow landowners to dump pollutants in many different waterways.
I disagree completely with the Trump administration on getting rid of these environmental regulations. I disagree with this move because we are going through a terrible climate crisis already and by removing these regulations the climate will get worse and the Earth will be destroyed even more. I believe that the whole world needs to come together and start making a better effort at fixing our climate issue, not allowing it to become worse like Trump is doing.



  1. I think it is a bad idea that the Trump Administration has taken away environmental protection on wetlands allowing people to dump pollutants in waterways that people use for drinking water. The drinking water will become contaminated therefore people cannot drink the water or else they will get sick and catch diseases. The world is already facing challenges such as climate change and getting rid of regulations only worsens the problems causing permanent damage on the Earth that no one can fix, so people need to come together and bring awareness to this problem that is occurring.


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