Antarctic wind decreases number of snowflakes

Antarctica's coast was not known for katabatic winds, which turns out, it causes snowflakes produced and in turn decreases the formation of the ice caps. precipitation was down 17% in higher regions and 35% in lower regions, this could also be aggravated by climate change. There are many things that directly influence the air temperatures and cause less snowfall. What else can catalyze this characteristic? In addition to that, how will the ocean be effected? Will less ice caps mean higher ocean temperatures, or will the temperature stay the same. Not to mention the ocean levels, will they raise or lower?

Link: Katabatic Wind


  1. I defiantly think global warming is a main cause of this, it seems that it's just one thing after another. There needs to be a change or something people can do to try to stop all of this crap from happening. Just think of all the poor animals being affected by this.

    1. something does need to be done about these things but based on this article there is not much known about the cause of the change in katabatic wind. how can we fix something we don't even know enough about to confidently state a cause? We need scientists to do research and see what else they can find out and plan out actions accordingly.

  2. I think that global warming is a huge reason that this is happening. Things keep constantly happening, causing many living things to be affected because of how periodically everything keeps changing.


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