New Survey Indicates Hunter Numbers on the Decline

A new survey, along with surveys from previous years, has indicated a decline in the number of hunters in the United States. This is concerning for multiple reasons. Most obviously, it means that there are less people participating in the sport, meaning that it is growing smaller. Hunting is the most popular form of wildlife conservation and population regulation. Therefore, the decreased number of hunters creates a decreased amount of conservation and regulation. In addition, there is also not as many funds for imperative conservation work since less people are buying licenses, firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment. In an effort to increase the numbers again, advocacy groups are using R3 programs. R3 stands for "Recruit. Retain, and Reactivate".

This article is very informative and gives quite a few statistics to show the changes in hunter participation. As discussed in the article, the decrease in population could create a population control problem among several species. With species overpopulating, entire ecosystems could be affected, resulting in an even more severe problem. I think that the R3 programs will be effective in bringing in new hunters and keeping current hunters in the sport.

Link: New survey indicates hunter numbers on the decline


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