Climate Change Threatens the Bees

With a growing change in climate, it is no surprise that many bees are dying and their entire population is being threatened. The flower growth and flower season is not the same as it once was and there is a lacking supply of food for the furry insects to eat and supply themselves with food and supplies to sustain themselves. Reading this article put things into perspective for me. I felt that the humans are at fault for this. I feel like something of this magnitude should not be allowed. I mean, you can kill a human and you could die for doing that, but you can kill an entire species of bees and nothing happens? It seems the only thing this article is proving is that bees are dying, humans are doing nothing to help, and our species is self-centered and does not care about the environment. We have to do something before there isn't any more time to do anything. Once the bees are entirely gone, the entire ecosystem will be messed up and it is an unknown as to what will happen.

Climate Change Threatens the Bees


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