Summer Arctic Sea Ice Comes Not Even Close to Record Low

As the yearly nail-biters come out to dramatize how close we are to setting a new record sea ice extent, the NSIDC has reported that the minimum has likely been reached, setting this years Arctic ice extent at the 8th lowest since 1978. A huge emphasis should be placed on the phrase "since 1978" as that is when satellite records began and not many actions were taken before to measure ice extent, although many newspapers and magazines followed glacier and ice levels well beforehand since the late 1800s. This article certainly pertains to what is going on around the world today with respect to the notion of human-made climate change. No doubt this article can't prove one thing or another, but it certainly can make some people look foolish with their fear-mongering tactics of media-hype. Overall, I would love to see what is in store for arctic ice extent in the coming 5 years due to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation transition and ongoing solar changes as well.

Article Found Here


  1. This is a tough one. Climate studies are INCREDIBLY complex. Oscillations themselves are theories... so many uncertainties and interactions. Our next month's blog will focus on the source of the information and how those sources can be misused to draw multiple conclusions.


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