Earthquake Swarms at Yellowstone Super Volcano

Since February 8th of this year, there have been over 200 earthquakes near Yellowstone National Park that shook the super volcano under the surface. Although I was quite concerned when I first saw the title of this article, however, scientists are certain these earthquakes do not threaten the super volcano erupting anytime soon. Last year, there were about 2,400 earthquakes at Yellowstone in just three months and experts are predicting this swarm of Earthquakes is just a continuation of last years swarm. The most recent eruption of this super volcano was over 70,000 years ago. Scientists do not know when the super volcano is going to erupt, however, they do not predict another massive blast like the last eruption. Other experts say the most dangerous part of Yellowstone National Park is the earthquakes it experiences and not the threat of the super volcanic eruption. Although the swarm of earthquakes in Yellowstone seems threatening, it actually allows scientists to study Yellowstone's volcanic patterns which could potentially allow us to learn when and how badly the volcano will erupt. These earthquake swarms are not dangerous and allow additional research to be conducted on the volcanic systems.

National Geographic Super Volcano Article


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