Wind and Solar Power

Summary Provided: The United States could reliably meet about 80 percent of its electricity demand with solar and wind power generation, according to scientists.

In the article a new study, at UCI's Student Center Parking structure co-authored by Steven Davis, associate professor of Earth System Science has proved that through solar and wind resources the United States could reliably meet about 80 percent of it's electricity. The study is well though out. The researchers said to meet 100 percent of electricity demand with only solar and win energy would require storing for several weeks' in advance to compensate for natural variability.The team analyzed problems that could arise from focusing on solar and win powered energy. When asked how they could rely on such a system with seasonal changes the team took analyzed 36 years of hourly U.S. weather data to understand the fundamental geophysical barriers before they responded:

"We looked at the variability of solar and wind energy over both time and space and compared that to U.S. electricity demand," Davis said. "What we found is that we could reliably get around 80 percent of our electricity from these sources by building either a continental-scale transmission network or facilities that could store 12 hours' worth of the nation's electricity demand."

I feel this is a move in the right direction. Fossil fuel based electricity production is responsible for about 38 percent of the U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 pollution playing a mjor role in global climate change is a reason for us to consider alternative energy resources. 

"The fact that we could get 80 percent of our power from wind and solar alone is really encouraging," he said. "Five years ago, many people doubted that these resources could account for more than 20 or 30 percent."

In concept it sounds amazing but funding such a project can be expensive but in the long run I feel it would be worth it. 


  1. I agree about the project to convert to solar and wind energy would be expensive at the moment, and we will save more in the long run. We could save on resources amount of energy we consume, and CO2 emissions will decrease; hopefully, in the next few decades we will diffuse the use of fossil fuels. I think I read the same article, and the ability to change to wind and solar power to accommodate 80% of the United States electricity use.

  2. i agree, i was really good! we could save on our resources!

  3. i agree, i was really good! we could save on our resources!


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