This article is very interesting because scientists believe that climate changed made hurricane Harvey drop more rain. It was very interesting because who would think that climate change is able to change the amount of precipitation that a hurricane drops. Humans can change this by burning less fossil fuels, decreasing greenhouse gasses, and more. With burning many fossil fuels and increasing greenhouse gasses makes the air warmer and this helps to create rainfall. When it adjoins with the hurricane it causes the hurricane to drop more rain than what was predicted. If we are more careful we could help to cause this.


  1. Interesting, does climate change affect how often precipitation occurs or just how much precipitation?

  2. How does climate change affect how much precipitation there is? What does it do to affect it?

  3. I remember this storm and the incredible magnitude it had reached in the Gulf of Mexico. However, the extreme rainfall was NOT as much a product of the powerful intensity of the storm but a product of the weather pattern. Harvey produced so much rainfall because it had stalled out just inland of Texas due to a blocking, banana high to its north and a VERY weak steering flow. The weak flow allowed for the high pressure up north to stay locked in place and "trap" Harvey down south. With the low level circulation just inland in Texas, the flow around the low was constantly pulling moisture from the Gulf, just as ANY storm would do, and resulted in a training of rainfall into south Texas. Were the SST's warmer than normal? Yes, but they were certainly not the 100% cause of the incredible rainfall amounts in Texas.

    1. So the next question would be... was the high pressure area to the north and/or the weak steering flow caused by the higher temps? Most likely, no, as the ebbs and flows of pressure have tons of other factors influencing them. But pressure and temperature are related to each other. I don't have an answer. Just throwing in my two cents. :)

  4. I would like to know how climate change can affect precipitation. I believe that climate change can affect many things in the environment but more research needs to be done and proven to really know the answers.


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