Strategic Minerals - Our Next Energy and Security Crisis?

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0 Tons. The amount of home-mined strategic minerals in the United States just last year. 100% of the United State rare earth minerals, in fact, came from Russia and China. Why are rare earth minerals important? Well, they include gallium, germanium, and the platinum group metals which are used in the manufacturing of the very thing you are using right now. Computers, TV panels, and all other types of electronic devices. To not have any mines open for the mining of these much needed minerals is a terrible disservice to the US, especially in a day and age we live in today. Trump's plan to ease restrictions on mining, improve mineral recycling, and find ways to mine the minerals safely is no doubt a great idea that will help the economy of the US in the long run, ultimately raising us back up into competition with Russia and China. Our reliance on China and Russia also gives the idea that we support the shady businesses and practices that go on in these countries, such as the child-labor that occurs in China. I know for me, I wouldn't want to be supporting these countries and their businesses!


  1. What are the dangers of mining these minerals that they are trying to eliminate in order to make the mining safe.


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