Iceberg A-68

The article brings up an interesting topic of discussion, especially on climate change. The tracking of an ice shelf's crack from all the way back in 2010 to this past year when it then broke off from the ice shelf is another reason to start questioning why this is happening. It is peculiar for an ice shelf to lose 10% of its surface area. To put into perspective how big the ice shelf was, Dave Mosher from Business Insider states "The block of ice, dubbed iceberg A-68, may hang around for years in the open sea, and it is awesome in scale: roughly the area of Delaware, the mass of 5.6 Mount Everests, and voluminous enough to fill Lake Erie — more than twice."  It is astounding to see such an environmental phenomenon occur however the reason behind it is not as astounding.  


  1. This article is interesting as it describes how a warming climate and atmosphere cause these large ice shelves, along with other large glaciers, to melt which allows for the presumption that more of these videos will come out and they wont be as rare as they once were.

  2. This article and many other like it continue to prove global warming is a constant issue that needs to be dealt with. With all of the effects that are being caused by global warming it's strange how some people still believe it's not a major issue, considering how detrimental it will be towards not just the environment but humans, and the entire globe in general.


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