Microwaves are terrible for the environment, new study shows

A study done has shown that Microwaves could be worse for the environment then we think. Especially during the process of making them and getting rid of them. Microwaves are a common household appliance, that can be found in many houses around the world. After looking at the study, it is kinda concerning. Especially since many people lack the knowledge of how technology affects the environment. If people don't take the time to get educated on topics like this, then the outcome for the environment is not looking good.



  1. I've been thinking about the disposal of electronics recently. It has become very difficult to get rid of certain items once they are unusable. The demand for proper disposal and recycling of these materials is high... it is curious to me that it has not affected the market (companies creating more efficient ways to accomplish the task).

  2. I never heard of that before! Weird to think about because so many people use them everyday, that if it becomes a problem what will people use then? I think this is really interesting, but hopefully they can fix the problem.

  3. Everyone in the world uses microwaves! We are screwed!! Great article people need to be aware of these problems and work on ways to substitute the microwave with a different earth friendly one.

  4. Amazing how microwaves are used in every household yet many people are not aware of this. Good article and this should be shared more for people to see.

  5. Nobody is going to stop using microwaves, so maybe in the near future they will create a more Eco- friendly microwave.

  6. This is interesting because I have never had a microwave in my house. Not for this particular reason, but from experience, you can totally live without one!

  7. I have defiantly heard of microwaves being bad mainly when they are being used, that they can cause cancer. Many people do use microwaves and I think it would be difficult to stop using them but it is possible it just takes effort. Which many people do not have. Think about college kids they just eat ramen which they make in the microwave. Hopefully with this new study they are able to create a eco-friendly/safe microwave.

  8. Hello, I am glad to see that everyone has the same opinion on this. Here is my take on it: while it is an obvious fact that microwaves are harmful to the environment, sure this is a big deal but how often do y'all replace your microwaves??? I had one microwave in my house for literally 20 years and we've had the same one now for maybe 3 years. So, in saying that, unless you are replacing your microwave annually (which you shouldn't be) it isn't causing any more harm than your phone or your computers do when they get thrown away. Most people replace their phones every one or two years (or when the new iPhone comes out) which creates unused phones that get thrown out and cause harm or they get set aside creating clutter. Maybe instead of focusing solely on a device that isn't thrown out or replaced that often, we should focus on the bigger picture.

    1. Also, y'all, what happens if a *new* microwave comes out that is super Eco-friendly and is amazing and everyone wants it? Then, everyone gets the microwave but OH NO! They have to THROW AWAY their old microwaves which is doing the same thing as before but this time in a mass influx of microwaves going down the rabbit hole. Think about it: a few microwaves thrown out a year or billions all at once? You choose.

  9. That's actually kinda crazy, I would never have thought that it released so much carbon monoxide. While I already knew that electronics put off carbon monoxide, I didn't really think that they released so much. Oddly enough the UPS for my desktop at home has a reading available in the software, and tells you how much in part per million that it is releasing.


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