Extinct Cave Bear DNA Found in Living Bears

With the extinction of cave bears 24,000 years ago by hunting, natural climate change, and fighting with humans for habitat. New study's shows that 0.9 to 2.4 percent of brown bears DNA traces back to the cave bears. This isn't the first time that researchers have found extinct ice-age creatures in living ones today. For example 1.5 to four percent of the non-African humans comes from Neanderthals. My reaction to this recent study is surprising, with DNA tracing all the way back from 24,000 years ago with advances in technology who knows how long we could trace back.



  1. Wow this is awesome how ancient dna is still found in these modern animals.

  2. Jon - include a reaction/response as well.

    Also, FYI, I have more Neanderthal DNA than most people.

  3. I can't believe that they've been extinct that long and we are still able to find DNA. It's crazy to think all of the possibilities that they could create out of this.


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