Florida’s Getting Swamped by Deadly Red Algae

One of your favorite vacation destinations are under a red flag. Recently, there have been tons of thousands of dead fish washing up on the shores of Florida beaches. Not only are there tons of fish dying, but many sea turtles, manatees, and even a whale shark have been found washed up on these coastal lines. The cause of this outbreak is believed to be from a natural algae, further known as the red tide. It no longer is just affecting Florida, but 150 miles more including Mexico. The Governor of Florida is putting emergency money into finding scientists to help clean up and research. Because the algae is so toxic to not only the fish, but people who enter the water, the state is currently under state of emergency.


  1. I did my blog on the same topic and it's truly a natural disaster. I did not know it had moved it's way to Mexico or that Florida entered in a state of emergency, that is insane.

  2. It is a very scary thing to think about. Something has to be done before people become sick or other bad events occur.


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