The dangers of rivers
Rivers can be dangerous because of constant storms. When there is a big storm rivers can start to overflow, and when they overflow it can destroy houses, it can kill people, and it can destroy businesses. Researchers are not sure what the future holds but they think the environment will eventually adapt to the flooding. I think that it can be a confusing concept because the dangers only depend on how much rain we get.
I think flooding (especially of rivers and other bodies of water) has really been on a lot of people's minds lately because of all the rain we've gotten over the last few months. Hopefully, the rain will subside and the environment will adapt to all the local flooding soon.
ReplyDeleteThere was another blog about having low percentages of clean water due to being used for irrigation. Using the overflowing lakes and creating channels for the water to naturally water plants for irrigation could allow more families clean, accessible water.
ReplyDeleteI agree this can be very dangerous and this has been accruing frequently around us. Huge amounts of water, overflowing streams and rivers can be a danger to the people who live around them if there is a big storm.