Phoenix Tries to Reverse Its 'Silent Storm' of Heat Deaths
This article is about Phoenix experiencing a major climate change and the way that it is affecting the people who live there. The temperatures are rising and so is the heat-related death toll so Phoenix and its citizens are trying to come up with new ideas about how they can reduce the temperature.
This article directly relates to Environmental Science because the changes in the environment are what the article is about. Due to global warming, the heat in Phoenix is drastically changing and the citizens bodies are not able to handle this. This is extremely important to learn about because the heat in the environments in which we live in contributes to our health. It is essential to recognize when the climate is changing and take action in doing whatever is necessary to keep everybody safe, especially when lives are being taken because of it.
You can click here to read the article.
This article directly relates to Environmental Science because the changes in the environment are what the article is about. Due to global warming, the heat in Phoenix is drastically changing and the citizens bodies are not able to handle this. This is extremely important to learn about because the heat in the environments in which we live in contributes to our health. It is essential to recognize when the climate is changing and take action in doing whatever is necessary to keep everybody safe, especially when lives are being taken because of it.
You can click here to read the article.
I wonder if this is happening in other traditionally warm cities as well...