Why Polluted Air May Be a Threat to Your Kidneys
As many know, air pollution is very bad for our environment and for our health. But, specifically in newer research researchers found that it can also cause chronic kidney disease which is where a humans kidneys personally become unavailable and not able to filter or move the blood properly. So, as many people smoke and toxins are being put in and out of the process,specifically towards the kidney's, air pollution is just as bad. In other words, people who have obesity, diabetes, heart problems or any blood pressure problems have a higher risk of containing chronic kidney disease which means that those who have a lifestyle near air pollution should be informed on the dangers it's actually causing them. Therefore, air pollution is more potentially dangerous for the fact that it includes a fine particulate matter that is thin which causes it to stick and stay in the air longer making it more available for humans to breathe it in for longer amount of times. Air pollution in general is just overall bad because it is involved with things such as mercury and lead, and as though air pollution is coming to a decrease many should still take caution for any highly polluted areas as well as should know the consequences of being in or involved with an area that has such dangerous toxins. In conclusion, I particularly found this article interesting because I was never fully aware of how threatening air pollution could seriously be and this article does a good job explaining the precautions and negative affects to take notice on. I also, feel that anybody who wants to go deeper in the topic of air pollution should read this article to learn something different.
It is very scary that our environment around us could give us such a deadly disease. If we don't protect our air it could not only effect our wildlife and environment, but it could also hurt many humans.