381 new species found in Amazon


I believe this article is very eye opening. It shows us that there is so many species of animals that we haven't even discovered yet. It also shows us that we are wiping out species of animals that we didn't even know were out there in the world. I believe this shows us that as humans we need to be careful on what we are taking from the environment and how it can affect other animals. This is also nice because who knows what other information we can learn from these animals.


  1. I also find this article interesting because of the 216 previously unknown plants, 93 fish, 32 amphibians, 20 mammals, 19 reptiles, and one bird that have been discovered due to this research. This shows that there are so many different species out there that we STILL don't know with all the research and technology we have today.

  2. I agree completely that this article is eye opening and fascinating. To think we discovered another 381 species on a planet that we have been living on for quite a while is shocking. That proves to us that we still have so much more to learn about our own planet. They do say we know more about the surface of mars then we do about our own oceans. Just imagine what weird creatures we might find down there.

  3. I agree that the idea of finding 381 new species in the Amazon alone is a spectacular thing to ponder about, but the Amazon is still just a small slice of a very, VERY large amount of new and wonderful things to discover in the near, and far future. The Amazon has proven to be a pool of knowledge when it comes to finding new species, and it always will be. When we start to think about not just the Amazon, but other regions on the planet as well we can really start to see that we know practically nothing about the organisms on Earth. Even more amazing is how we know so little about land-dwelling species, and we know even less about what might be lurking at the depths of the ocean. With so little of the entirety of our planet explored, I'm sure that we will only have more opportunities in the future to discover the magnitude of the environment's diversity.


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