What's really the point of wasps?

I had always wondered what role wasps played in the environment other than being a pest. This article clarifies the false belief that many people have, which is that wasps don't have a vital role in the environment. Wasps are predators and control the number of other potential insect pests that can damage our crops. They are also pollinators. Without wasps we would have a larger number of other insect pests, which would probably be more annoying than wasps.http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-41042948


  1. I agree completely with you, i never realized how much of an impact the wasps have on the environment. I have always hated bugs, wasps especially and was surprised to hear how much they do. I never knew how many different types of wasps there were as well, the article says there are over 9,000 species in just the U.K.

  2. I agree as well with this. Wasps are needed for us to survive, just like bees. We don't realize how important they are even though they are really annoying to us. I never knew that insects had a hard time changing to the environment, so we really need to stop using harmful things against the insects and protect them for our environment.

  3. This is so interesting! I would never think that wasps are actually needed in our environment. It is crazy that they help us out everyday.

  4. Really good article! Wasps have always annoyed me and now I know what there purpose is. Now when I see one I might not kill it right away. Very nice to know that they have a vital role in the environment.

  5. I thought this article and topic was very unique. I never knew that wasps actually had an important purpose or had given it much thought before as to what their purpose actually was. It is good to know that they play an important part in ecosystems and are beneficial. I think this article was very informative as well as interesting.

  6. Its interesting that such an annoying bug like wasps have such a vital role in our environment. I never realized that our crops and plants were rely on wasps in such a huge way. Although they might not be anyone's favorite bug hopefully everyone now thinks before they kill one.

  7. I never would have thought that wasps could help maintain all the other pests we get just as annoyed with. Also everyday crops that we use would either be limited or not here if it wasn't for the wasps pollinating these things on a daily basis.

  8. I knew wasps had a large role in pollinating plants, but I was somewhat surprised to learn that they help minimize any overpopulation of other insects. In regards to their role in pollination, I agree with Hannah in saying that without wasps (and bees) we would eliminate many of our food sources.


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