Discovery Of Additional West Antarctic Volcanoes Furthers Natural Over Man-Made Warming

The additional studies that have all but concluded the reason behind the Antarctic ice sheet melting is the West Antarctic Rift is certainly eye opening and, just as the article mentions, furthers the notion that our climate can certainly be (and likely is) controlled by natural occurrences, not trace gases. The findings of this article can be tied to so many other claims of natural climate change as well that the mainstream media and even scientists miss and disregard. Furthermore, this discovery allows for the inference that our sun and solar impacts are much more important and the primary climate driver for our planet. This aspect is mostly completely ignored by everyone, but mainly by the fear-mongering Alarmists that call everything, including now Hurricane Harvey, caused by human activity. Overall, I hope more articles and studies like this can be made to further our knowledge behind the main reason of Climate Change.

Article Found Here


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