Open Defecating is Ruining the Environment

Open defecation has been a major issue since humans started to overpopulate the world.  Doing one's business outside in public was not such an environmentally and sanitary risky thing to do until the Earth was not able to safely absorb feces at the rate humans were making them.  This article follow the open defecation problem in India, one of the most prominent places in the world that allows it.  Statistics of the article show that nearly one billion people still regularly practice open defecation.  The problem does not reside in the fact that the people of India do not have the resources and skill set to go to the bathroom in a toilet, but more so the overall issue with India's sanitation.  Due to India being the second most populated country in the world, their hygiene is not the most reputable.  Their latrines are so uncleanly and overcrowded to the point where people feel better going to the bathroom outside.  The downside to people openly defecating, other than the fact that you might see someone taking care of their business around any corner in places like this Indian village, but it also has detrimental effects on the environment.  The fumes and emissions that emit from feces to the open air at such an alarming rate only aid in air pollution and damage the Earth's soil and ability to grow sustainable life.  The Earth can only recuperate so fast, and polluting it at a high frequency does not help it in any matter. 


  1. I think this article is very weird and interesting. I don't think that people should be worrying about us defecating because all animals poop outside. We can't be blamed for everything. Animals were ruining the world with their poopy before us.

  2. I think this article is very weird and interesting. I don't think that people should be worrying about us defecating because all animals poop outside. We can't be blamed for everything. Animals were ruining the world with their poopy before us.

  3. It's crazy to think that people actually take time out of there day to worry about people taking dumps outside. The cavemen did it, before toilets were made you pooped outside. Nothing wrong with that.

    1. There are billions of people in the world now. That's whats wrong with that.

  4. This article is amazing however is disagree that defecating is ruining our environment because there are thousands of other animals that use the environment as their bathroom. The bacteria that could possibly affect other people might cause a "survival of the fittest".

  5. This article brings up a valid point that as the human population increases that it is important for human waste to be disposed of in a sanitary manner. I agree with the other comments that all other animals on Earth "do their thing" in the environment, but we also need to remember that the human population is constantly growing, which means that the amount of waste produced will also continue to grow. With such large human populations worldwide we should keep trying to improve our hygiene around the world where this problem is the most relevant because of the environmental and sanitary issues that it causes. It would be fine if it was a smaller portion of humans, but the statistics provided by the article are staggering.

  6. This was an article I didn't expect to see. I agree with Morgans "survival of the fittest" theory. I think it is a problem we should worry about in connection to the environment because openly defecating with how many people in the world that are doing it is causing bacterial and sanitary problems. It is a different situation when people are defecating in bodies of water than animals in the wilderness.

  7. This article was very interesting in the fact that they are describing the effects of defecating in world from a human standpoint of them doing it and not animals. I think that human defecating outside is not ruining our environment in the fact that animals already do it enough outside and it is eventually decayed in the environment. I agree with Alex too in saying that pooping outside is not a problem.


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