August current event

Mindy Gerlach

Teens across Alaska have teamed up to to petition the limits of greenhouse gasses being emitted into the environment. Local and national environmentalists are supporting the teens as they took an 100 page document supporting the limits on greenhouse gases. Gases we are putting into our air needs to be in limited quantities because it is effecting the health of people and the Earth.  We only have one Earth and need to take into consideration there is not another one for us if we don't take care of it properly


  1. I definitely agree with you. I think it is awesome that teenagers in Alaska are taking it into their own hands and putting forth effort to make changes to benefit the environment. I feel that many people just allow and rely on our government officials to present laws to create change, when in reality it is equally our duty as global citizens to do the same. I found this article to be interesting for this reason.


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