Current Event: How Lake Trout React to Climate Change

The article talks about how Lake Trout are now changing their habits and behaviors during warmer times in the year. In northwestern Ontario, an 11 year long study was completed in order to observe the fish and how they react. I found this very interesting that not only they did the experiment for over a decade, but I think that it is good that the scientists are trying to see and prove that climate change is bad and can affect many different populations.

Link to article


  1. I agree with Sammi, climate change is bad and can affect many populations around the world. This is a huge problem especially recently around the world that needs to be adressed more agressivly than what it is right now. This study was completed over 11 years meaning the problem has just increased even more over the past decade.

    1. I agree, the topic of climate change needs to be focused on even more and people need to take it more seriously.

  2. I completely agree with you. Some people still believe that climate change is not real when there is so much evidence to prove that it is! This study is a perfect example of evidence that it is, in fact, happening. As the article says, the temperature change could affect future lake trout populations, which can also effect many other environmental factors.


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