Chemical Haze Drifts Ashore

This article is interesting as this haze is seeming to be more harmful that the usual gas cloud that western countries are used to seeing. This haze is very telling because of how it is actually physically affecting people in a negative way. Just like smog, this gas cloud is composed of gas produced from industrial smoke. Advancement in technology can cause an advancement in pollution which is what I believe is occurring. This is worrying because if this trend continues, gas clouds created by man can become even worse.


  1. I also read this article and found it interesting as well. It's astounding that something that has previously occurred in the past still has no explanation only some theories to back it up. Without further looking into the area I can't really say it's 100% from the factory, however it is a strong possibility in my eyes. I also agree with you're statement " This is worrying because if this trend continues, gas clouds created by man can become even worse." because with the world depending on so much industrialization, things like this may become more and more common. However, I also believe with that comes a solution that "experts" will come up with.

  2. Interesting article, what could be the potential risks of this and what could be done to solve this problem?


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