A lack of empathy is the true cause of our environment taking a downward spiral towads becoming a frightful danger. The problem is no longer about facts but the ignorance of them. People are too naive to believe the evident problem at end because they simply don't care.
Dual-fuel vehicles
A recent study shows that dual- fuel vehicles are benefiting the population but, turns out they are costing the environment. While substituting gasoline for ethanol gases, it causes an increase of ultra fine particle matter, with a 30% increase of atmospheric concentration. The problem is that they are less then 50 nanometers in diameter. The nano particles are also not track or regulated by the environmental agencies. We inhale these gases everyday, inhaling ethanol. The most practical way to reduce greenhouse gases is using electric, hybrid and biofuel care. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170828124546.htm
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