Fossil Fuel Industry Is Prospering Under Trump

Trump's plan for increasing the use of fossil fuels, throughout the nation, includes withdrawing from the landmark 2015 Paris climate change accord, in which a total of 195 countries had signed in attempt to help reduce rising global temperatures. Trump also is intending on ending the Obama administration's Clean Power rules, regarding how exactly to suppress coal-fired power plant emissions (inevitably leading to reduced carbon emissions). All the big fossil fuel industries are dialed in on these goals Trump has for the future, because it is ultimately going to benefit them in the long run. Some contributions made to the Trump administration by the fossil fuel industry include Murray of Murray Energy's (the largest privately owned coal company in the nation) contribution of $1 million, as well as Texas lobbyist Miller's (who has multiple big fossil fuel clients) contribution of about $1 million in which he raised to put toward the Trump Victory Committee. Overall, many pro-fossil fuel individual companies and lobbyist groups are forcefully backing up Trump to win in 2020, because he is performing actions by which are setting the fossil fuel industry up for big business.

‘Swampy symbiosis’: fossil fuel industry has more clout than ever under Trump

This article definitely goes hand in hand with what we have been learning in class about the nutrient cycles. Specifically, in this case, the carbon cycle because the burning of fossil fuels is one of the biggest culprits for emitting carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Although, in regards to our everyday lives, this article is overall important because the 2020 election is not too far away. Therefore, voters should be taking into consideration the policies in which their elected officials are putting into place for the "betterment" of us as a society. It is this lack of awareness, of the general public, that is of issue and this article, based off of it's tone, is intending on fixing. As it is evident in this article that they want to display the significance of this upcoming election bringing upon big concerns regarding the course of our world's existence and how really it should be of utter importance in the decision making of voters. For it is said a couple times in this article that through the election of a Democrat, there is no doubt that all of these regulatory actions being proposed by Trump to expand the use of fossil fuels, can be reversed.


  1. I believe that Trump isn't considering the environment in any of his decisions and only cares about the money he can make off of it. He won't be alive to see how the Earth will turn out if we don't try to stop our changing climate, so he's not worried about his effect on the environment.


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