Coral Spawning out of sorts due to climate change

Corals species typically reproduce at the same time at some mass egg release at certain times of year, but as of lately that has not been the case. The corals have cues that allow them all to be aware to release their eggs at that time, but because of climate change and the increase in water temperature the coral are not aware and it seems the number of younger coral is much smaller than it typically is. Not only is the warmer water stop some reproduction, but it also can cause the coral to die.

This is not anyone's main point when it comes to why climate change is bad, but this is certainly another point. Coral reefs are an important part of the environment, offering protection to shorelines and a home to marine life. Coral do tend to live for thousands of years, but if they die off because of warm temperatures, and they also can't reproduce because of those temperatures, eventually a small number of them would exist, which may spell trouble for a multitude of species.



  1. This is crazy. We do need corals for protection to shorelines and as a home to marine life as you stated. If water temperatures keep rising do you think that they would eventually stop reproducing causing them to at some point become extinct as long as all the organisms that live in them to also become extinct?


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