Two out of three UK business leaders think tech skills matter more than math and science

Summary: More than two thirds of UK business leaders think people with tech skills are much more valuable than people with backgrounds with math or science. There was a poll of 502 IT employees from different UK companies who believed children aren't receiving or taught enough in technology. 62% of UK executives said the talent in tech right now isn't meeting their requirements to carry out their digital plan/strategy. Another study showed that 63% of UK business leaders would hire someone with a background of technology than someone who doesn't have any. This is because the business leaders believe that someone with background in tech. Can easily train others and help their company get ahead in this rapidly growing technology era.

Reaction: I know from going to job fairs that technology is starting to replace jobs that humans use to do. The technology is eliminating that human element to do the job itself, but we also need people who can fix the technology and keep it running. And reading this article has showed me that yes, technology is growing rapidly while replacing jobs that only humans could do in the past. But the demand for people who are more tech savvy or have backgrounds in technology are starting to get more recognition by business leaders. Or simply that since they have more background with technology they would be most likely chosen over someone who has more background in math or science.


  1. I believe that learning more about technology in school and college is important, but I don't believe that it is more valuable that math or science. I think technology needs to be taught just as much as all other important subjects, but not more.

  2. I believe that rapid growth of technology is an important part of future however, business leaders claiming that technology is more important than math and science is a bit of a stretch. Technology is important, but I believe that math and science are just important. Without math and science the business field would be missing out on market analysts and cost estimators which are crucial to a businesses operation.

  3. With the rise STEM programs in school, there should be a demand for more technology based teaching. I feel that there are many factors that affect employers decision to hire someone and a background in technology is an important thing to have. I still feel it is important to have a background in math and science as well as having simple knowledge of technology.

  4. I would think that technology would fall under science & math- why does it need to be seperate? I disagree with the funding being put into STEM programs. Schools already teach science , technology, engineering & math. In elementary programs it is all intergrated. Why divert money from those subjects?


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