Global Warming and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients that the human brain needs for proper effectiveness. Our own bodies produce fatty acids, but not enough to support ourselves. The rest of the fatty acids we obtain are gained through digestion of plants and animals, but mainly through eating of fish. Recent collection of data has shown that by the year 2100, 96% of the world's population may not have enough access to omega-3 fatty acids due to raising of water temperature. Fish obtain DHA (or omega-3 fatty acids) through eating of algae, and increase of water temperature will kill off most of this much needed algae. Solutions that are being considered are the farming of this algae and genetic engineering.

This situation is one of much needed preparation. If global warming is real, then new inventions and ideas are needed to be made in order to keep up with humanity's need for omega-3 fatty acids. Unless we can slow global warming or put it to a stop, being prepared with how to create the essentials is a must. Not only the algae being used for DHA is going to decrease in population if global warming continues, so we can only prepare for our impending doom at this point.

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  1. I agree with you, we need to figure this out before it is to late. It is scary to think that this is something that could happen in the near future.


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