The EPA Bans Pesticide Linked to Serious Health Risks


 A pesticide that a local orchard, in Washington, was spraying on Easter while the Perez family was away, gave the Perez family stomachaches, vomiting, trouble breathing, diarrhea and scratchy throats. The pesticide chlorphyrifos  had drifted over to their property form the neighboring orchard. Apples, corn, soybeans, and Christmas trees are all sprayed with the pesticide. There are better alternatives to chlorphyrifos but they are more expensive, and no matter how hard you try not to have the pesticide drift onto someone else's property it will end up on another property some how.


  1. Although the overall cost would be more expensive for farmers to go organic or find an alternative pesticide, I think its well worth that price considering the negative effects it can have on people. We aren't even sure about the effects of the pesticides residue after the crops treated with them are consumed. Also I thought it was pretty neat how the father of the Perez family ended up buying the orchard and turning it into an organic orchard.


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