Chicago animals could face fight for survival

With this polar vortex going on, the city of Chicago is getting hit very hard with the cold weather. The cold is impacting all types of animals outdoors. Animals have taken refuge into trees, frost lines, and even in abandon houses. One of the main animals that are in danger are the cats, who are finding under cars, abandon houses, and dumpsters. Shelters are asking people to leave out food and water and even better, cut boxes to provide shelter for stray animals. Even zoos are struggling to keep their animals warm.

I found it surprising that animals were even making it into abandon houses in order to stay warm. I also thought it was interesting to read that even zoos were having a hard time keeping away the cold from their animals.


  1. That is very sad to hear. At least some animals are finding places to stay warm. Although I can't believe that even zoo's are having trouble keeping these animals warm, but hopefully this cold weather is over!


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