A single sweaty workout may boost some people’s memory

According to a preliminary study, people are able to improve their thinking abilities after a 20 minute workout. Michelle Voss, a cognitive neuroscientist, had 34 people with an average age of 67 undergo brain scans, memory tests, and exercises. Voss and her colleagues were looking for effects of a 20-minute stint on a stationary bike which is designed to make people sweat. Before and after exercises the participants took memory scans and MRI brain scans that involved remembering previous faces they have seen. They also did brain tests another day after the participants spent 20 minutes on a bike that pedaled for them. On average, people were able to remember more faces after an intense workout. I think this is a very interesting experiment and something i definitely would like to learn more about. I never realized working out could influence your memories.



  1. Crazy that your memory can get better from a workout.

  2. Yeah im with john thats crazy.

  3. That's really interesting. I wonder if exercising daily will help with memory in the long term.

  4. I guess I will have to start exercising more! I wonder why your memory does increase due to sweating? Strange.


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