Students worldwide are striking to demand action on climate change

Students all over the world are protesting climate change and the government's lack of effort to stop it. On March 1, they led a protest that took place in ninety-eight countries. The planet's average temperature has increased by one degree Celsius since preindustrial times, and if no action is taken to cut back on greenhouse gasses the temperature will just continue to increase. Many of kids that are taking part in the protest have not lived during a time where they didn't have to worry about global warming, which is alarming because it shows how much climate change is already affecting us.

Students worldwide are striking to demand action on climate change


  1. I think its great that the younger generations are striking. It seems promising that they might be able to do something later via voting in representatives that care about climate change.

  2. This is cool that students and the youth are actually taking charge and moving for change because the old people are all going to be dead by the time climate change reaches it's worst.

  3. It is important for the youth to care and push for a better future. We need to change society to create a more sustainable future for us and our future children.

  4. It's so great that kids are stepping up to help and fix this issue. Older generations don't understand the horrible circumstances they are leaving younger generations to deal with.


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