List of Endangered Rivers

The conservation group for American Rivers constructed a list of the most recent endangered rivers. The group works to rivers from harmful factors such as dam construction, pollution, and climate change. This list contains the Chilkat, Stikine, Green-Duwamish, Willamette, South Fork Salmon, Upper Mississippi, Buffalo National, Cuyahoga, Big Darby Creek, Hudson, and Gila rivers. The Gila River is especially at risk. It is deemed as one of the nation's last "wild" rivers, as it was a freshwater source for indigenous people. There are possible plans to divert the flow of the river, allowing water to reach other parts of New Mexico, which would hurt the river's chances of survival. I find it disheartening that a river of such significance and cultural importance could be destroyed so easily.


  1. I am intrigued, yet saddened by the fact that rivers can become endangered. However, it is reassuring knowing that there is an organization dedicated to protecting these rivers. I hope that they are able to preserve the Gila River because it is of great importance to many people.

  2. I was previously aware that rivers could be negatively affected by pollution, dams, and climate change but I never realized the true importance of some of these endangered rivers. Hopefully a solution to these issues will be found before it is too late. This is yet another example of why we need to act on climate change and pay more attention to decreasing pollution.

  3. The pollution in the water makes the freakin frogs gay and then the frogs wont be able to reproduce anymore and we most certainly don't want that because we would run out of frogs. ):


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