This Tanzanian City May Soon Be One of the World's Most Populous. Is It Ready?

Dar es Salaam is a city in Tanzania, which like most African cities, has an extremely high birthrate and immigration rate. Due to this rapid increase in population, it is projected to grow from 6 million to 13.4 million people by the year 2035. It is difficult for this city to gain enough land to spread out, so the buildings are tight together and weak structurally. This clustering of many people in one place is not good for the environment, since the amount of carbon emissions is going to rapidly increase along with the population. I believe that something should be done to either slow down the growth of this city or spread out the growth in order to stop permanent environmental damage in that area.                                    


  1. I agree, something has to get done to slow the growth of the population down somehow.

  2. Overpopulation seems to be an ever-growing problem in many different areas around the world. Solutions that will allow for more evenly distributed living spaces rather than crammed, unstable structures seems like it should be a priority. Carbon emissions wouldn't be so extreme in such small areas and it would be a slightly healthier living situation.

    1. I agree, finding a solution to this problem should be a priority as this issue continues to grow around the world.


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