Everyday Mysteries: Why most male birds are more colorful than females


This article states that males are more colorful because they have to get the females attention. Females are very busy incubating their eggs until they are hatched and when they hatch, they have to take care and raise their chicks. It is proven that women are attracted to more colors so if the males are more colorful it will be easier to find themselves a mate.

I thought male birds were more colorful due to their diet kind of like flamingos but I was suprised to learn it was just because they needed to attract females.


  1. That actually makes a lot of sense and is really interesting. I never realized that before. :)

  2. This is very interesting and it is very understandable as to why females like more color. Who wouldn't enjoy something more colorful? Although, it does make me wonder how the males become more colorful.


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