Dangerous Crab Or Delightful Delicacy

       Foreign invaders are a known problem it the US but the solution of many problems my be held in these species. In fact their was a study in new England with one of these foreign invaders, the African green crab. These crabs where brought by settlers in the 1800's and now because of the settlers slip up the crabs are ravaging kelp forests. Decimating the ecosystem held in the in new England warm coastal waters and with climate change warming the waters more the crab are festering and their population is growing. Local diners and restaurants have been serving them for a wile in the area. their has been a want for soft shell crab in the last decade and this species could be the solution. Also its been found that the certain species could be user for fertilizer.

      I feel that in every invasive species their is a resource that we can exploit to solve another problem,solving a problem with another. Their needs to be more research in to invasive species biology to see what they are good for.


  1. I would definitely believe that eating the crabs is a good solution to controlling the population. Using the demand of New England crab meat and substitute it with the African Green Crab to fill that demand will help to limit the population of the African Green Crab while allowing the New England crab population to recover.

  2. I think this is a very good counter to invasive species, as turning them into food sources is a great way to control the pop, as well as feed your own pop


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