Marine Mammal Epidemic Linked to Climate Change

Since the Arctic is melting twice as fast as the rest of the planet more and more sea ice is melting each year.  This is effecting animals such as ice seals who need the ice, to haul out on and give birth.  This issue also effects the ice seals because the fish that the seals eat may be moving deeper and deeper to reach colder waters meaning that the ice seals have to travel deeper to get food.  This issue is not only effecting the seals, it is also effecting the people who live in the Arctic. These people rely on these animals for there livelihood and well-being. The only way this can be stopped is if we take meaningful action to slow the planet's warming.



  1. This is a sad but true epidemic that many people don't even realize is happening in our world. The seals and arctic marine life aren't the only ones who are effected by this epidemic, and if people don't make drastic changes soon, it will affect the entire Earth.

  2. It's upsetting to see how humanity is affecting ocean life. About 46% of pollution in the ocean is trashed fishing gear and supplies. What do you suggest we do to fix these problems?

  3. This a very sad issue that I think more people need to be aware of. The fact that not only animals are being effected. but humans too, is what concerns me the most. Right now the people in the arctic are effected by this, but if the global temperatures begin to rise it could effect people all over the world.

  4. The effects humans are having on the environment are negative and it is saddening to see what we are doing to other species. Not only are we damaging the ice seal's natural environment, but by forcing the seals to swim deeper and deeper for their food, they will be entering new environments and potentially become invasive species.


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