The rediscovered silver-backed chevrotain

Within the jungles of Vietnam the Silver-Backed Chevrotain was thought to be extinct but has be found to not be. Not much is known is about this animal as it was only discovered in 1990 and has rarely been seen since.

This article shows that we really don't know what is happening on our planet and anything could be out there. Also the fact that this animal is so sensitive to just the untouched jungle that it lives in shows how easily it could go extinct due to human interaction. This is why it is important that we are very careful what we do to nature.



  1. I think it is very interesting that a species that was once thought to be extinct has shown itself to actually still exist even with various environmental pressures. Do you know of any ways scientists can bring these back into the nature safely?

  2. I think that it is interesting how we really do not know anything about our planet. It is very important that we do what we can to not interact or interfere with environment in a negative way. Do you know how they plan to reduce there interaction in the future.

  3. Definitely a good example of how a small change can affect a small population. If the animal goes extinct are the effects it will have on the environment known?


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