Oceans are gonna rise and we can't stop it (Brogan Coffin)

Summary: The article goes into detail about the United State's recent withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and what it means for the world's sea levels. Generally, while the withdrawal is a bad thing both morally and when it comes to how our country looks to the rest of the world its overall effect may not cause significant impact. The article proceeds to talk about how even if all countries which signed the Paris Agreement would go on to meet there specified target for carbon emission by 2030 the sea level will still rise as much as 3 feet by the year 2300. The article concludes saying that we need to do all that we can in the current in order to lower emission because our actions now will shape the lives of millions in the future, and that 200 years isn't quite as far away as we seem.

Reaction: I feel like the article provides a good view on to how important taking care of the Earth is. By providing details that can allow us to create a type of personal connection with the people of the future. The article is pretty much a plea for us to lower our emissions not for our own sake but rather for the people of the future. To me this is one of the better way to reach the population and instill a sense of emergency in their minds. By allowing people to have a sense of how their actions will impact the world it could make people feel like they're actually contributing to bettering the wolrd and could actually benefit the Earth greatly.



  1. Have you considered the lack of effort by certain countries in the agreement such as China? These signers of the deal remain unlike the United States, yet they make few moves in order to reduce their carbon emissions. I believe we should be putting more pressure on these countries, rather than ones which have already taken major steps to reduce emissions.

  2. I agree with what Aiden said above but I still firmly believe that we should be taking much larger steps in lowering our emissions to ensure a habitable earth for hundreds of future generations to live on.

  3. It's interesting, and kind of heart-breaking, to see how negatively we have impacted our planet and how little we seem to be doing about it. And the people who are fighting to save it are being ignored or silences by those who would benefit from the exploitation of the Earth's resources.

  4. It's terrifying to realize how close we are to an environmental apocalypse at the expense of lazy governments whose only motivation to not change anything is money. How do you think we can effect change within our own governments in order to prove the urgency of the situation?

  5. It's very scary to see just how much of a negative impact we have had on the globe. All nations should agree to the Paris Agreement, because at the very least the rate of global destruction can be reduced. Nations and the Agreement should not stop there however, they should always be searching for new and innovative ways to reduce greenhouse emissions, because it is our duty to ensure that the human race will have a future.


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