Earthworms lose weight in soils polluted with microplastics

Microscopic bits of plastic have been found many times recently throughout the environment. A new study finds that the tiny pieces of plastic the in soil can stunt the growth of earthworms. And that’s an issue because earthworms help make soil good for growing plants. As worms burrow, they eat organic matter such as dead plants. They digest is and then reproduce essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. These nutrients help plants grow. 


  1. It is scary how much harm humans are causing to the environment without being aware. If the plastic keeps making its way to the soil eventually the crops will not be produced as fast or even at all. This would come back and hurt the human population. It is interesting how something caused by humans will come back and harm the human population in the long run.

  2. It's amazing to think that even the some of the smallest and least dependent organisms are suffering from the pollution that we as humans are creating. Earthworms are essential to growing plants in the same way that spiders and birds are essential in keeping insect populations under control. Unfortunately for the earthworms, humans more than likely won't pay much attention to this issue until it affects us directly; we'll only make it our problem when it becomes our problem.


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