Sea Levels in the Past

 125,00 years ago during Earth's latest warm period, sea levels had begun to rise and have risen 10 meters since.  The melting ice from Antarctica is the main reason for the levels rising.  Because of Earth's glacier like periods, warm periods are more frequent when there are large portions of Earth covered in ice which causes the levels to rise.  Rising levels are on of the most difficult changes that affect our population.  It has caused us to relocate and other animals to become extinct.  If we do not learn to adapt to these changes or put a end to them, the sea levels will continue to rise more rapidly than they have been. 



  1. This is a very concerning issue. I completely agree that we must do something about this problem that is creating a huge impact globally. Hopefully we can put an end to the changes since I do not believe that many animals will adapt to this.

  2. This seems to big a pretty big deal. We should take quick action in order to reduce this world wide problem.


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