NASCAR's Ecological Impact

In recent years the focus of environmentally friendly practices has worked its ways into almost all parts of our daily lives. Now the impact of a weekend of NASCAR on the planet is being noticed. The average race uses a total of 6,000 gallons of fuel for one race. Each gallon of fuel emits 20 pounds of carbon dioxide leading to a total of 120,000 pounds of CO2 for one race. On average there are 35 races per year leading to a grand total of 4 million pounds of CO2 accumulated. Comparatively, the average American family releases 45,000 pounds of CO2 in one year. New initiatives are being created to help offset the impact of the racing. This I believe is a step in the right direction, but it will not fix the emission rates. To completely end or limit emissions, traditional technology must be abandoned in favor of a more environmentally friendly solution. Formula 1 has pushed to create green solutions leading to the development of Formula E. Formula E exclusively uses electric cars in their races. This new league has led to a whole new sport and accompanying fan base. 

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