Climate Change has finally caught up to this Alaskan village

The article shows the effects that climate change has had on a small village in Alaska that has slowly been melting away over the past 20 years. Due to the thawing permafrost in the area due to rising heat levels many of the towns foundations and objects are beginning to fall apart or get washed away. The villagers are now being forced to move south since their village is melting and the climate has not been cool enough to rebuild the permafrost. The melting has occurred over 9 million miles to the north of Alaska effecting pipelines and buildings while also releasing large amounts of greenhouse gases increasing the problem. The melting is also causing adverse weather effects which is also effecting the area causing rivers to flood and destroying sea banks causing even larger problems for Alaska as a whole and not just this small community.

Ultimately, the case of the Alaskan village shows and highlights a large problem in the modern world and with the increase in climate change. In time this problem will only become larger in time and more people such as the one seen in the article will be effected. Climate change to me at least is a very real problem to be concerned about.


  1. I agree with you, its very interesting how we are actually starting to see the effects of climate change and how they are really starting to impact things. I have been reading about this topic lately and it is a very interesting one with many different viewpoints, and now seeing it happen right in front of our faces is a real eye opener.

  2. I agree with you, its really sad seeing these events unfold in front of out eyes. I feel like it would be a great first step if our world leaders could penalize the large businesses that harm our environment in unthinkable amounts. This could slow down the effects of climate change drastically so that we don't have to read about towns like these disappearing.

  3. This is a different, yet just as morbid, situation involving global warming. I'm very acclimated to seeing articles talking about the effects of sea levels rising due to climate change, but I haven't thought of areas which could be directly affected by global temperatures rising. You also mentioned how pipelines and buildings were being affected by this. If private pipelines and areas owned by large corporations begin to be or become projected to be affected by global warming, maybe change would begin to occur. Would it be too late, though?


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