Glacier Losing Ice

The ice berg is large enough to receive its on name. While it has not yet it may not ever now. The ice berg is falling apart. The new mass that broke of was 115 square miles. While it is unclear to scientist why the massive glacier is breaking up more and more the answer may lie in the environment itself. Earth's rising temperature due to global warming may be the cause of the rapid breakup of the glacier.


  1. The melting of icebergs has been a common theme over the past several years and a concerning one at that. Although the article states that it is not unusual for them to break, I feel that the reason this massive chunk broke off due to the catalyst that is global warming. We have evidence that global warming ,whether you argue it is man made or a natural occurrence, has had a large affect on the melting of polar ice caps and the habitat of animals near the poles of Earth. This is concerning in regards to the fact that this possibly inevitable break in the iceberg which would have normally taken a longer period of time, has separated at a much more rapid pace and could be the start of more events like this occurring.


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