Moving Endangered animals to the city

This article is about how endangered animals could be taken out of their habitat on purpose and brought to cities around the world to avoid being hunted or captured and used as pets. Most of these animals are small like birds or lizards but moving them into the city is a good idea I think because that way they won't have to worry about survival as much. Nobody goes bird hunting in the city so it's the perfect place to relocate endangered birds.


  1. I think that taking action against extinction and protecting endangered species is a step in the right direction for the environment, but what is the next step? Once these species reproduce and gain necessary stability, will they then be released into their prior habitats? With this, I hope that a great deal of thought and attention is placed on finding the best possible solution for these species, rather than simply settling on this proposal because it satisfies short term desires.

  2. This is an interesting article. However, will these animals be kept in public areas like zoos or are they going to be like household pets? I agree with Corinne that taking action against extinction and protecting endangered species is a step in the right direction, but are cities the best environment? There are more carbon emissions in cities due to the fact of more cars and businesses. So, is this really the perfect place to relocate animals? If so, do the pros outweigh the cons? These are just effects that should be thought out because relocating an entire species is major.

  3. I think this article is interesting, but I don't think the city is the best place for wild animals to live. The air isn't as clean and there is so much going on in cities. I would think that moving them there would cause more danger to their lives.

  4. I believe that moving animals into the city is an issue because that takes them away from their natural habitat which forces them to leave their natural surroundings and families. It also forces these animals such as birds to breathe in toxic chemicals from pollution and they have to search harder for a food supply.

  5. While it is important to try to prevent extinctions, what about the chance that these animals move outwards from the city or are treated improperly if kept as pets? This plan has many things that could go wrong, but in my view at least people are trying to do something about extinctions.


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